Welcome to the Kansas Installation and Reporting section for WS.

For further information and details, please check out our documentation website for various guides using WS, including reporting. Click here to access WS Documentation

Kansas Installation Instructions

The following installation instructions goes over the method to install Osnium’s WS software.

There are two parts to the installation. The server installation, and the client installation.

  1. The Server acts as a data store and will be the central hub of WS, in which all client computers will communicate back and forth with the server. Because of this it is recommended that the server be the most powerful computer in house, or have a dedicated server to host this application. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. The client installation needs to be done on every computer in house that needs to access WS. This installation is much shorter than the server install.
  1. Standalone Server Installation (instructions here)
  2. Restoring Database
    1. Download default database (download here)
    2. Restoring Database on SQL Server (instructions here)
    3. Once restored and Client Install is completed; You can login to WS using Administrator as the UserName and Password of ABC123, please note that the password is CaSE sENSitIVe.
  1. Verify Workstation Requirements (see here)
  2. Download latest version of WS for Kansas (download WS 14.2.43)
  3. Install WS (and connecting WS to the restored database (instructions here)
  4. Login for the first time (using UserName and password from the Server Install.  Further, once you have logged in, please Verify installation and database to be proper Kansas setup (section below)

Please verify that the restoring of the Kansas Database was performed correctly. From any workstation with WS installed, open WS and login using the following details:
UserName: Administrator
Password: ABC123
Once logged in, create a New > Client by clicking the New button at the top left of WS, then Client.

Please verify that the Client Profile screen looks exactly like the screen shot below (easiest way to verify is to have the General Information tab open and locate the following check boxes; Student, Active Military and Incarcerated), if this doesn’t exist please verify Step #2 in Server Install were performed, if so and you still do not see the intended view, please contact support@osnium.com indicating that your agency does not have the proper setup for WS.

Proper setup should look like this:

If the setup is confirmed, please read and follow the next step in creating new Staff to use WS

Creating new Staff requires the Distribution of a Model File (Model File is the customization of WS to look like the screen shot in the previous steps).

Please follow these two documents to ensure that the creation of new Staff receive the same Mode File:

Create Staff-Users to login to WS (link to document) (Assign the Role of Staff).

Pull or Push Model File (link to document)

Also, the WS Documentation Website has many useful documents that can benefit the use of WS: http://betadocs.osnium.com/

The default Model File is the overlay of the software, it contains the formatting and flow of the software.  As Kansas and Osnium work through the implementation process or identifies issues during support calls/meeting this file might be updated and improved.

Download latest Model File (download here)

An Administrator of WS is able to Import a Model File by following these steps:
Import Model File (instructions here)
Restart WS (so that the Model File is applied)
Verify that the Model File (look and feel of WS) is generally the same, no loss of fields on the screen
Distribute Model File to all Staff that should receive this update (instructions here)
Model File

Above is a link to the latest Kansas Model File, please note that importing this Model File will revert any additional customization changes that your agency has performed.
Backup/Export existing Model File (just in case)
How to Import Model File, then Distribute Model File


Below are a few links that will contain various reports to be utilized in the Kansas setup in WS:

Display Reports; these reports can be used to display information, then printed or made into PDFs
Generic Reports; these are the reports that will be able to extract information from each tab in a profile or from the Scheduler. Use these for day to day stats or basic agency specific needs

Required Reports; for the Generic Reports; reports used to display the Summaries at the bottom of each Generic Report. An error will appear when clicking submit if one of these reports are missing

Funder Reports; this is the section that agencies get the Kansas Funder reports.
HUD APR; this is the HUD Annual Progress Report; it has it’s own section because all of our WS customers use it if funded by HUD