Welcome to the Wisconsin Installation and Reporting section for WS.

For further information and details, please check out our documentation website for various guides using WS, including reporting.

(only reports under this link are applicable to the Wisconsin implementation and the HUD node for those agencies that receive HUD funding)

Wisconsin Installation Instructions

The following installation instructions goes over the method to install Osnium’s WS software.

There are two parts to the installation. The server installation and the client installation.

  1. The server acts as a data store and will be the central hub of WS, in which all client computers will communicate back and forth with the server. Because of this it is recommended that the server be the most powerful computer in house, or have a dedicated server to host this application. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. The client installation needs to be done on every computer in house that needs to access WS. This installation is much shorter than the server install.

Please get as far with this install as you or your IT Tech can by following the instructions given. If you run into problems feel free to sign up for a 30 min Q&A session or a full hour install session. All assistance from Osnium is debited to your annual support hours. Instructions for signup below.

Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on the server if it is not already installed. Follow instructions here: Installing SQL Server

Download and install the latest version of WS Software on every computer that needs to access WS, including the server if anyone will be opening the software directly from the server. Link to download WS: WS 14.2.36 (You will need to open the zip file and copy the 2 files to another folder on your computer in order to run them.) Follow these instructions for installing WS: Installing WS

Now that SQL Server is installed, you will now need to restore the Wisconsin default database (please note that if you have been using WS and have inputted information, the steps below will REMOVE ALL INFORMATION, please backup or contact Osnium if you have any concerns that you may lose any information)

Download the blank database to your server and use the Restore procedure within the SQL Server program.

Link to download blank database: Wisconsin Database

(You will need to open the zip file and copy the file to a folder on your server)

See instructions here: Restoring a Database
You will receive an email with a license file that needs to be copied into the database the first time you open it. If you did not receive this email, please contact support@osnium.com (1-888-676-4861 opt2)

Once Restore is complete you can login to WS using Administrator as the UserName and Password ofABC123, please note that the password is CaSE sENSitIVe.

Congratulations you have now installed the WS Server Component and the default database!

If you are not converting data from Alice, you can use Osnium once the installation has been complete.  You may wish to either start at the beginning of the month or you may choose to back enter data to the beginning of a reporting period.

After you have sent your data, Osnium will work to convert it, which could take up to two business days. During this time, you will need to keep track of your data outside of your system, and enter it into Osnium after the conversion is complete. Please note that you will need to review the data after the conversion and inform Osnium if you have any questions or concerns PRIOR to entering additional data into Osnium.

If you have been using WS and have input information, the steps below will REMOVE ALL INFORMATION.

See: Data Conversion

Please note: The intent of converting data from your previous case management software is to maintain historical data.  Reporting on converted data is not recommended due to the differences in the structure of the different databases.  You may wish to keep your old database accessible during the transition to Osnium.

If you did not originally sign up for data conversion and would now like to do so, please contact the Osnium sales team at sales@osnium.com.

When you receive your converted database, use the Restore procedure within the SQL Server program. See instructions here: Restoring a Database

This is an update Model File (Visual Layout File) for the Wisconsin Database. This file contains the most up to date visual changes to the database.

If by default when you initially downloaded the database and “Race” on
the client profile was not required, your database does not have the most
up-to-date Visual Changes and it is recommended that you download
the Model File by clicking the link below and uploading it into your WS

When you upload the new model file, it will overwrite any visual changes
you may have done such as the following
– Lists
– Columns selected or removed from lists
– Back-End Field Names
– User-options such as window size

WS Wisconsin Model File: Model File (Visual Layout File)

Video tutorial on how to import a Model File: Importing a Model File


Access the Report Documentation here