Welcome to the New Mexico Installation and Reporting section for WS.

For further information and details, please check out our documentation website for various guides using WS, including reporting. Click here to access WS Documentation

New Mexico Installation Instructions

The following installation instructions goes over the method to install Osnium’s WS software.

There are two parts to the installation. The server installation, and the client Installation.

  1. The server acts as a data store and will be the central hub of WS, in which all client computers will communicate back and forth with the server. Because of this it is recommended that the server be the most powerful computer in house, or have a dedicated server to host this application. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. The client installation needs to be done on every computer in house that needs to access WS. This installation is much shorter than the server install.
  1. Verify Server is up to date (instructions here)
  2. Verify Server System Requirements (instructions here)
  3. Software Pre-Check (click here)
  4. Download and Verify SQL Server Install (instructions here)
  5. Install SQL Server (instructions here)
  6. Configure SQL Server to listen on TCP/IP (instructions here)
  7. Configure Windows Firewall (instructions here)
  8. Enable SQL Server Browser (instructions here)
  1. Verify Workstation Requirements (see here)
  2. Download latest version of WS (download WS 11.2.22)
  3. Install WS (instructions here)
  4. Connect WS to SQL Server (instructions here)
  5. If installation or connecting encounters an error, please see the Troubleshooting section for Installation before contacting Osnium
  6. Test login to verify (only after performing the steps in Restore the New Mexico default database)

Now that SQL Server is installed, you will now need to restore the New Mexico default database (please note that if you have been using WS and having inputted information, the steps below will REMOVE ALL INFORMATION, please backup or contact Osnium is you have any concerns that you may lose and information):

Download the following file and extract the database from the zip file (download here)
Restore NCCADV’s default database (instructions here)
Once Restore is complete you can login to WS using Administrator as the UserName and Password of ABC123, please note that the password is CaSE sENSitIVe.

Congratulations you have now installed the WS Server Component and default database!

Please verify that the restoring of the New Mexico Database was performed correctly.  From any workstation with WS installed, open WS and login using the following details:

UserName: WSAdministrator
Password: ABC123
Once logged in, create a New > Client by clicking the New button at the top left of WS, then Client.

Please verify that the Client Profile screen looks exactly like the screen shot below (easiest way to verify is to find the Checkbox namedAlert), if this doesn’t exist please verify the steps in Restore the New Mexico default database were performed, if so and you still do not see the intended view, please contact support@osnium.com indicating that your agency does not have the proper setup for WS.

Proper setup should look like this:

If the setup is confirmed, please read and follow the next step in creating new Staff to use WS

Creating new Staff and having proper setup for New Mexico

Creating new Staff requires the Distribution of a Model File (Model File is the customization of WS to look like the screen shot in the previous steps).

Please follow these two documents to ensure that the creation of new Staff receive the same Mode File:

  1. Create Staff-Users to login to WS (link to document) (Assign the Role of Clinical Staff or Staff (Limited)).
  2. Pull or Push Model File (link to document)

Also, the WS Documentation Website has many useful documents that can benefit the use of WS: http://documentation.osnium.com/index.aspx?id=Documentation\WS


Updates in order of release
2014/09/24 – Federal Crimes checkbox within Victimization Tab

How to add

  • Import Model File if the agency has not customized the software and Distribute Model File (download Model File here) or…
  • Login as the Administrator like account
  • Open a Client and open a New > Victimization
  • Right Click > Customize Layout (Customization box will appear) (additional help with customization)
  • Add button (Object Model will appear)
  • Expand Additional Fields
  • Locate and highlight Additional Boolean 10
  • Click Add when highlighted (Object Model will disappear)
  • Location Additional Boolean 10, drag and drop underneath Abuser Relationship
  • Right-click on Checkbox > Show Text
  • Right-click again and Rename to Federal Crime
  • Right-click Hide Text
  • Close Customization popup
  • Close Victimization (no need to click Save if asked)
  • Reopen to ensure changes are applied, close all other tabs
  • Distribute Model File to all Staff (they will need to log out and back in to see change)

2014/10/07 – MFA Reporting update

Please import the updated report from the documentation website (deleting the existing report before import is always recommended).

Click here for MFA Reporting files


Welcome to the NMCADV Reporting Guides section for WS. Please refer to the Current Report Guide links directly below. In each Guide section you will have access to the PDF version for download.

Within the guides, each question for reporting is broken down to the following:

  • Section
  • Question
  • Report to Execute
  • Parameters to modify for specific Question
  • Example output with highlighting of which number or section to report with

Some questions within the reporting guide may produce results for various questions within, this is combined so the report does not need to be execute multiple times creating loss of work time.

General WS Reports are used in WS to provide detailed results for Activity Sessions, Calls and Stays, each reporting on the Service (as mentioned above), and in addition, details about the Person (being a Client, Child or Alleged Abuser).

Most reports should already be imported into your default NMCADV database, however, updates may occur, if you are unfamiliar with Importing Reports or you have received an error, please refer to the section How To Import Reports.


Current Report Guides

New Mexico Reporting section

General WS Reports